

Relaxation • Mobility • Recovery


Photo by Sarah Comeau on Unsplash

Senzea Therapeutic Method uses a variety of hands-on physical treatments that promotes the function of the body and facilitates healing and recovery processes. It reduces excessive muscle reflex activity, inhibits motor neuron excitability and promotes relaxation.


Why Senzea Therapeutic Method ?

  • Helps to eliminate toxins and dead cells

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Prevents adhesions of fibrous tissue, facilitating mobility


A wonderful way to enhance the pleasure of feeling good.

Senzea Therapeutic Method improves sleep by increasing delta brain waves, which are associated with deep sleep.

It helps control anxiety and depression by reducing cortisol levels, hormone released in response to stress, therefore, it improves mood and lowers blood pressure. It stimulates the production of dopamine, hormone responsible for pleasure and motivation, of serotonin, to ease the mood and endorphin to produce happiness.

It reduces pain and boost the immune system by increasing the levels of endorphins released through the spinal cord and the bloodstream.

Furthermore, it increases lymph flow and favors the nervous system, reduces stress and facilitates efficiency in gas exchange and flexibility.


Contact us for more information

We respond usually within the same day and never share your contact information. You can also contact us immediately on Facebook messenger.